3/6/2023 Backstory: OK, right about here I got stuck for bit in some rails I tried to go under instead of around. There is Fred disappearing in the distance. By the time I free myself, I can't see him.
3/6/2023 Now at this point I can't see where they went, and I'm following a trail of silt hoping to catch up. I'm about 80 feet deep.
3/6/2023 I went along down the corridor and came to this. At this point I'm pretty sure they went down there, but I wasn't about to go poking around looking! I knew how to backtrack, so I turned around and went back to the point I got stuck coming in.
3/6/2023 And as I returned to the scene of a stuck-under-railing incident, I see the divemaster coming up out of a hole in front. Turns out they had gone down the corridor, then backtracked directly underneath me, coming up in about the same spot. I waited until they passed by and joined back on to the end. Like nothing happened.