Lens Testing - Nikon 24F2.8 AF-D - page 3
Non-scientific, seat-of-the-pants shots with a Nikon 24 F2.8 AF-D lens. When I got my D700 I took out several lenses one at a time to see how they performed on FX. I never used the 24 F2.8 much on film or digital DX, and I wanted to give it another chance on FX format.
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NIKON D700, 1/1250, F4.5
NIKON D700, 1/1000, F5
NIKON D700, 1/800, F5.6
NIKON D700, 1/640, F6.3
NIKON D700, 1/500, F7
NIKON D700, 1/400, F8
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